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Welcome to the 

Washington, D.C.

Ski, Snowboard and Social Club

Why join the Washington Fagowees? Some reasons include:

▪    Convenience

▪    Fun

▪    Camaraderie

▪    Safety (you'll always have someone to experience a new adventure with)

▪    Reduced cost

*     Meeting members from our Cleveland and Denver Branch Clubs 

▪    Affiliation with the Blue Ridge Ski Council

Let the Fagowees take care of all the air travel, transfers, lodging, and lift tickets, allowing you to concentrate on skiing or non-skiing and having fun on the slopes, on land or by sea .

Our trips and/or actitivites usually include 10-50 people with a wide variety of interests. Trips are generally mixed fairly evenly between couples and singles. On ski trips, the skiing level is mixed, from beginner to expert. A few non-skiers can also be found on our ski trips, particularly on our European or Canadian trips where sightseeing opportunities are plentiful.

Most participants choose to vacation with the Fagowees because they want to share activities & experiences. Each trip offers lots of opportunities to socialize and have new experiences . Of course, you are free to share in activities or not. One reason members give for going on Fagowee trips is the friendly, relaxed atmosphere. and fun, fun, fun.

Because we are a group, we can bargain with travel agents and lodging companies. We try to pass along savings to our members. Because we focus on destination and new experiences, some of our trips are not the cheapest, but we believe they offer the best value to top-quality destinations. We are a non-profit organization, and any profit we garner is invested back into the club.

Washington Fagowee members also enjoy the benefits of membership in the Blue Ridge Ski Council and the National Ski Council Federation and the opportunity to join our Cleveland Fagowees branch on their ski and summer trips. 

If you like Fun And Games on Weekends Especially Skiing with friendly people, the Washington Fagowees may be for you!

2025 Washington Fagowees 

P.O. Box 22516
Alexandria, VA  22304

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